First there was one, then there were three – gluttons, that is. We are three best friends (including a set of identical twins), or as we like to refer to ourselves, ‘the tripletship’. While we aren’t always in the same place, we make it our mission to reunite often in different locations around the world. Whether together or apart, we’re always on the hunt for the best morsels to eat everywhere we find ourselves. While food is one thing that unites us, it is also our passion to travel responsibly, mostly off the tourist-circuit, and learn as much as we can about each culture in which we immerse ourselves. It is this drive for authentic interactions in unique locales, with the tastiest snack stops possible, that has kept our readers coming to us for recommendations on where to eat, stay and go since 2011.
Lindsay, a Philadelphia native, founded The Glutton’s Digest after becoming completely enamored with Peruvian cuisine while living in and traveling around South America for a decade. In Peru, she also became fast friends with Erin Homiak, a DC-native, who later introduced Lindsay to her twin, Jill. It didn’t take long for the girls to realize that their trio was a match made in friendship heaven. Given that the girls suffer from separation anxiety when apart, it was only natural that Jill and Erin would join The Glutton’s Digest team so that the three could spend as much time as possible exploring the world together.
When not on the road, you can find Lindsay nesting in Peru, Thailand, or Philly, three places she feels most at home. Her happiest places are at Citizens Bank Park, watching the Phillies with her dad, or on any soft surface, in her pajamas, reading a good book while sipping on some tea or a frothy cappuccino. Her unhappiest places, as someone who is not very spatially intelligent, are over a piece of luggage or a dishwasher, trying to figure out where everything is going to fit.

Erin resides in Mozambique, where when not working in the realm of public health, she’s likely beach-hopping while toting around a mom-backpack, about which Lindsay and Jill endlessly tease her. As the most pragmatic and organized of the trio, we credit Erin for keeping us alive during our travels, along with keeping us entertained with her her personally-crafted and repetitive adages that we refer to as ‘Erinisms.’ Another fun fact about Erin is that she’s the only human alive who enjoys running errands.

Jill calls Washington, DC home, and is known as the master mixologist amongst the three of us. What she is not a master at is buying plane/train/bus tickets on the correct date, for the correct time, so we generally keep her away from that logistical task. She is most excited by chubby cats and children, which luckily for her, exist in every country we’ve ever visited. Jill’s most at peace in the Northern Italian countryside alongside her family, from whom she’s inherited the ability to cook impeccably without a recipe.