This funny little pattern has developed regarding my dining habits at classy restaurants here in Lima. As I mentioned last time, I am dedicating this final Peru post to the best overall dining experiences I have had here. Incidentally, these instances have coincided with my most ridiculous wardrobe choices, which I will recount for entertainment’s sake. If there is one thing I am sure of …
Me: Blah blah blah Lima, blah blah blah Peru, blah blah blah lemme tell you about all the food I eat.
You: Please shut up.
I realize that it may seem obsessive when I continuously gush about Peru, but sheesh, it’s not my fault that this country is so cool. Last entry, we addressed the best appetizers, ceviche, sandwiches, and anticuchos that can …
In June of 2006, I packed my bags and headed to Peru for what was supposed to be a two year stint. Not long after my arrival, Peruvian cuisine kidnapped me and proceeded to hold me hostage for five entire years. I have narrowly escaped her death grip more than once to flee to my native country, but Stockholm syndrome in the form of ceviche cravings has sent me running back to her lap time and …