I just returned from a 50-day vacation.  Would complaints about how exhausted I am fall on unsympathetic ears? Yes?  Fair enough.  Rather than wax all whiny or nostalgic about my trip, I suppose I will be more constructive and write about some realizations I had while away.

It started off like any other Sunday night.  Our bellies freshly full o’ supper, the men were in the living room watching football as the women sat chattering the night away in the adjacent dining room.  This particular Sunday, Christmas lights were twinkling in the periphery, making the whole scene not unlike a Hallmark holiday … Continue Reading

More like ten bones, actually (Oh SNAPPPP, how will you ever recover from that sophisticated snub?!).  But before I go all negative Nancy, Debbie downer on you, let’s rewind a bit.  To 1999.  I’ll set the scene: I was 17, donning pink Umbro shorts a la 1992 and listening to The Backstreet Boys’  “I Want … Continue Reading

The most phenomenal people I know never complain, which I think stems from a keen awareness on their part of all there is to be thankful for.  We belong to a culture that perpetuates the desire to vent about (and even invent) problems, because deep down, I think that most of us feel guilty when … Continue Reading

‘Tis the season to paint the town orange, apparently, and frankly I feel like I am being pummeled by one giant pumpkin every time I leave the house.  To my right is a pumpkin-infused this, to my left is a pumpkin-flavored that, and straight ahead is a mound of pumpkins in the flesh, begging to … Continue Reading

…but thankfully I can still type. Before I dish the deets on this South American utopia, I’d like to dedicate this post to my friend Alex, who guided me through Ecuador with her personalized recommendations of what to do while there (“No Lindsay, you would die if you tried to climb that mountain.  How about … Continue Reading

Yeah, I just used a redundant negative like that.  What can I say?  I’m a rebel without a cause.  Who happens to like quinoa.  A LOT. Have you met quinoa?  If not, please allow me the honor of introducing the two of you.  This, my friend, is quinoa (or quinua, in Spanish):

This funny little pattern has developed regarding my dining habits at classy restaurants here in Lima.  As I mentioned last time, I am dedicating this final Peru post to the best overall dining experiences I have had here.  Incidentally, these instances have coincided with my most ridiculous wardrobe choices, which I will recount for entertainment’s … Continue Reading

Me: Blah blah blah Lima, blah blah blah Peru, blah blah blah lemme tell you about all the food I eat. You: Please shut up. I realize that it may seem obsessive when I continuously gush about Peru, but sheesh, it’s not my fault that this country is so cool.  Last entry, we addressed the … Continue Reading

In June of 2006, I packed my bags and headed to Peru for what was supposed to be a two year stint.  Not long after my arrival, Peruvian cuisine kidnapped me and proceeded to hold me hostage for five entire years.  I have narrowly escaped her death grip more than once to flee to my … Continue Reading